November 10, 2022

How Paddle built confidence and strategic alignment with Wynter

Andrew Davies

I feel way more confident when messaging is passed by Wynter.

Everybody can punch harder when they’ve got the right support.

I feel more confident in the exec room, our marketing team can be more confident in their programs, and our sales team can be more confident in our go-to-market because of that extra validity.


  • Paddle is an all-in-one payment solution that helps SaaS companies offload the burden of managing payments, taxes, and subscriptions so they can focus on growth. 
  • The company chose Wynter to test its brand voice and ensure the message was relevant to its audience. They also conducted segmented surveys for CEOs, CFOs, and product leaders, to be sure they were resonating with each persona. The fast turnaround and the confidentiality were key for Paddle’s peace of mind during the pre-launch stage. 
  • The results went far beyond the rebranding and helped Paddle develop a more data-driven decision-making process, which in turn helped them gain confidence throughout the entire company, from the exec room to the sales reps. 

The challenge: nailing the messaging for each persona

While working on a rebranding, Paddle gathered internal information from different sources and talked to their customers.

Still, one research piece was missing: insights from potential buyers, people who match their ICP and personas and have never heard of Paddle before. 

One of the top requirements for selecting the testing method and tool was being able to reach out to people who truly embody their buying personas: CEOs, CFOs, and product leaders in SaaS companies. 

When evaluating market research tools, the team discussed the advantages of combining quantitative and qualitative methods: massive surveys lead to statistically significant results, while smaller, custom-made panels contribute to richer insights.

Bianca Dragan, Head of Brand, explained her reasoning:

“I would rather have fewer people but higher-level and exactly like our ICP rather than a bigger sample size but random because it might skew the data. Would you rather have more, or would you rather have the best-fitted people?” 

Another concern that came up while evaluating their options was confidentiality. Sharing the new brand in a third-party platform before going live was considered risky because of potential leaks, so Paddle needed reassurance that the people interacting with the content were bound by an NDA. 

The company had experience using Wynter in some single-page projects and was pleased with the way the qualitative info gathered helped them improve their messaging relevance.

And since Wynter also met the audience and confidentiality criteria, they looked no further and decided to test the new website before launching it. 

The solution: surveying target segments and testing the website

Bianca’s initial job-to-be-done for Wynter was to test the newly rebranded positioning before launching the new website.

The testing results allowed her to see the website in action and have a sense of how the messaging resonated with its specific audience. Wynter’s quick turnaround also multiplied her chances of success: 

“Getting answers in 48 hours is great because we can make changes and test it again in a week. That was super helpful.” 

Another step of the testing process was to conduct surveys for each target segment and compare their answers to see if they were nailing the messaging for personas as well. Bianca could confirm again that they were gaining insights from the right people: 

“They really know their stuff; you can tell they’re people in SaaS that watch content and know the industry really well… So I trust it even more because the answers are bang-on.” 

While Paddle initially wanted to test their new brand positioning, they also unexpectedly found a way to build more confidence in their decision-making process.

Andrew Davies, their CMO, described how reviewing sales calls revealed that, before using Wynter, the sales team was feeling unprepared to present the company at its best: 

“We went into Gong and listened to how our sales reps were using the prior taglines. We heard phrases like, ‘our company has decided to call ourselves X, so let me explain to you what that means. That’s a really poor way of presenting our company to the market, and stemmed from a lack of confidence in our message.”

Once they refined their messaging with Wynter, they implemented the insights about their audience across all touchpoints.

The messaging consistency helped strengthen the new brand, which directly impacted the sales team’s performance, leading to deeper conversations with leads. Andrew explained: 

“After implementing Wynter testing, the first question changed from ‘what does that mean?’ to ‘how do you compare with Stripe?’ That’s a much better first question to hear when we’re presenting our company. So now when I listen to Gong calls from our sellers, they sound more confident.”

As a result of this experience, Andrew saw confidence grow throughout the entire team, including him: 

“I feel way more confident when messaging is passed by Wynter. Everybody can punch harder when they’ve got the right support. I feel more confident in the exec room, our marketing team can be more confident in their programs, and our sales team can be more confident in our go-to-market because of that extra validity.”

The results: better messaging, a stronger brand and more confidence across the entire company

  • Testing with Wynter helped Paddle improve the messaging relevance by getting feedback directly from the audience segments they were targeting: CEOs, CFOs, and product leaders in SaaS companies. 
  • The quick turnaround allowed them to have a more agile validation process: testing, making changes, and testing again in the same week. 
  • By incorporating Wynter's insights, they also built confidence and strengthened a culture of evidence-based decision-making across the entire company.