Learn how to use Wynter

Test result examples, step-by-step setup guides and short explainer videos

Test result examples

See the kind of results you can get from different tests.
Full page message test
Message testing will tell you how your messaging resonates with your target buyer.

Get feedback on the page as a whole and then granular feedback on up to 7 sections. (These are called “highlights.”)
See example results
Preference test
Eliminate guesswork and quickly learn what your customers prefer, and why.

Compare everything from ad creatives to value propositions. Test up to 3 concepts with a follow-up question
See example results
Target customer survey
Survey people in your target audience and learn what they want as well as how they want it.

Write your own questions or use our pre-made question templates.
See example results
Landing page test
Get feedback on your landing page message from the target audience you are pitching to.

Similar to full page message test but just without the granular highlights.
See example results

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If you want to learn more about how Wynter works and how it can help you with your revenue strategy, let's hop on a call.

Interactive guides

You can launch any test in a self-serve manner.

Test set up flow involves first selecting a test and configuring it. And then selecting your target audience and refining the targeting.

After that, you'll be ready to launch it. It will be complete in 12-48h.

Try it yourself.

Try the interactive audience selection demo

The test setup guides

Setting up a full page message test
Try setting up a full page message test
Interactive guide
Setting up a landing page test
Try setting up a landing page test
Interactive guide
Setting up a preference test
Try setting up a preference test
Interactive guide
Setting up a target customer survey
Try setting up a target customer survey.
Interactive guide
Setting up a 1:1 target customer interview
Try setting up a 1:1 target customer interview
Interactive guide
Analyzing message test results
12-48h after launching, the test is complete and it's time to analyze it. Here's how you can do it.
Interactive guide

Explainer videos

Schedule a demo with the team

If you want to learn more about how Wynter works and how it can help you with your revenue strategy, let's hop on a call.