
In this do you even resonate episode: Filestage

A show where I do actual message testing on actual websites. This week: Filestage (volunteered by Radu Vladislav). Their ICP: marketing directors.

ClarityScore: 3.8/5

Relevance: 4.1/5

Demo interest: 3.4/5

What did we learn about the key issues here?

1. Not sure what it is at first glance

People are unsure what the product is or who it's for as Filestage avoids naming the product category they're in (easy fix!).

Certain language also raises eyebrows - "platform that runs itself", "focus on what you do best" - results in confusion.


The word 'files' throws people off. Now that so much is in the cloud - the word 'files' seems antiquated and creates confusion around what the product is for.

The fix is to use different language, and to demonstrate use cases right away (specific over broad).

The old-school icons could also be replaced with workflow-demonstrating gifs or screenshots to improve clarity.

3. There's quite a bit of repetition on the home page.

Repetition creates boredom and folks stop paying attention. They have 2 sets of icons explaining capabilities - and those areas should likely be merged.

The stats in the end - "30% fewer emails to deal with"- seem to strike a chord and should be presented earlier.

Wanna be featured in an upcoming episode? Post your URL and ICP below!