
Do you even resonate? This episode: Maxio

This episode features Maxio, volunteered by Randy Wootton.

Maxio has two main target audiences:

1. CFOs/Controllers at VC-funded companies

2. Startup founders

We tested their home page with the founder audience. Here’s what we discovered:

They’re doing a mostly good job, but as one founder remarked: “Seems pretty generic, didn’t really get me fired up.”

He’s not wrong.

• The above-the-fold language doesn’t speak to founders; it actually confuses many (“I need my CFO to review this”).

• The language used gives founders an “enterprise-y” vibe (even though $1M+ revenue companies are a good fit).

• The most common question: What’s different about this? And often, how is this different from Stripe Billing? Maxio doesn’t highlight their differences from Stripe (or others) specifically, but they should. At minimum, a relative value table is needed.

• Maxio as a product does many things but lacks a central big idea in their messaging to tie it all together. Listing all features helps but also confuses.

• Founders wanted to see integrations and a self-serve demo; testing various ways to guide people to those pages is recommended.

Zooming in on a central narrative/big idea and a founder-specific landing page would already help significantly.

Should the home page speak to the CFO crowd or founders? Or both? Prioritizing is usually the better idea.