
In this do you even resonate episode: Mayple

Format for the show:

1. running an actual message test with their ICPs,

2. analyzing the data,

3. creating a new version to address the identified issues.

Overall assessment:

How compelling is it? 2.9/5

Clarity: 3.5/5

Key issues:

1. The 500-pound gorilla: people read the whole thing, and still had doubts about what this is.

Is it a freelancer marketplace? Is it for hiring full-time employees? Is it an agency?

The main lesson here is that people don't care at all about any details until they get what it is. Always, always lead with the category and make it crystal clear, only then start discussing details about your offer.

2. It seemed to me they're not clear about what they want the audience to know about them. Don't boil the ocean - identify 3 key messages about you, and focus on that.

3. When you have a point of differentiation - in their case the vetting process perhaps - you need to share more details about that. They had a dedicated page devoted to it, but whenever some of the content requires an extra click, 90% of people won't read it.

4. People were unsure about the offer, hence Mayple needs to do more to tackle objections and doubts. More customer case studies, less Google/Facebook partnerships, more guarantees and risk reversal.