
In this do you even resonate episode: Zuko

This is a show where I (Peep Laja, founder of Wynter) conduct actual message testing on real websites with real people.

This episode: Zuko Analytics (volunteered by Alun Lucas). 

Target audience: conversion optimization people.

Current scores:

Clarity: 3.7/5

Signup interest: 3.3/5

What can it do better? 4 biggest issues:

1. Too many words, trying to say too many things at once.

It's tempting to try to cram everything into every section. Bad idea, don't boil the ocean. Say less, with more focus. Need to cut 50% of words, tighten up the headline and subheads.

2. Does it really work with every form out of the box?

If yes, that is impressive! But people are skeptical. Show proof it can work, mention all of the common as well as most difficult cases that it works with (e.g. with Pardot, Marketo, Salesforce).

3. Need more, better screenshots.

People wanna know how it works. The above the fold screenshot is bad and shows nothing. Show highly specific screenshot for each main use case.

4. What's the end value? Spell it out.

Mention actual results to give people an idea of the end benefits.

I used the message test data to improve their messaging with 3 mins of effort. (It's much easier if you have data!). Link to my version in the comments along with raw data for the test.

What did you think of Zuko's home page messaging?