Demos on-demand
If you sell to B2B audiences, you can now use Wynter to book sales demos on demand. Choose your ICP, select how many demos you want, and we'll schedule them in your calendar. You only pay for completed demos.
If you sell to B2B audiences, you can now use Wynter to book sales demos on demand. Choose your ICP, select how many demos you want, and we'll schedule them in your calendar. You only pay for completed demos.
Wynter is a 2-sided marketplace, we have director- and senior-level people from select industries in our database. They all have various business problems, including the ones you help solve.
We will match you with your actual ICPs for demos. The participants are shown your product ahead of time, so they only take the meeting if it seems interesting to them. You will be shown actual LinkedIn profiles of potential prospects before the meetings, so you can either approve them or reject them.
These people are not actively in the market right now, but just like with outbound sales, they are your category buyers, who might be shopping in a quarter or two.
Wynter handles everything from sourcing your category buyers, to coordinating your meeting time.
By testing your sales pitch in actual demo calls, you're wasting time and money.
Usually it takes
If you're lucky, it'll take you almost a year to nail it.
And you've wasted many of those opportunities along the way.
The opportunity cost of what could be achieved if you got it right the first time is huge.
So before you go out and pitch your actual buyers, validate your points and POVs through Wynter.
Launch your demos on-demand project today and within 48-72 hours you'll be filling your sales team's calendar with meetings.