Sales messaging: How to create a B2B framework that will drive conversions

Are you looking for ways to create B2B sales messaging? Here’s our detailed guide to creating effective sales messaging that converts to sales.
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The market competition is more savage than ever and several dedicated salespersons are scrambling to help their brands stand out amidst other similar brands. 

So, how do you rise above the noise — this current mess of brand stereotypes, make the case for your product, and sell to your target audience?

By creating compelling sales messaging that knocks it out of the park for you.

To save the day, this guide breaks down everything you need to create B2B sales messaging that keeps you afloat in this era of the brand-twin apocalypse.

What is sales messaging?

Sales messaging is a company’s pitch that informs and convinces target customers to buy their products. It is how you talk about your product to prospects, which is the key to selling it. 

Your sales message should show potential customers that your product is the solution to their problems. It is what determines your brand marketing and communication. 

A good sales message should:

  • Be clear and specific
  • Speak to a target audience
  • Focus on what results they’ll get
  • Lead prospects to sales

Why is it important to create sales-ready messaging?

Creating sales messaging helps B2Bs in various ways. Here are some of the benefits of specialized messaging in b2b sales. 

Through sales messaging, you can:

Build a cohesive brand 

When you have one core sales messaging, you can build a brand that people can distinguish, relate to, and buy from. 

Your sales message informs the operations of your communication, marketing, branding, and sales sectors. These operations include campaigns, designs, content, and sales pitches

You’re able to share aligned, on-brand messaging such as:

  • Sales emails
  • Social media posts
  • Landing page messaging
  • Sales calls
  • Cold pitches. 

Target the right audience 

Well-structured sales messaging targets the right audience. 

This is vital so you don’t sell to “everybody” in vain. Instead, it helps you focus on those who need your products and are more likely to buy from you. 

Your sales messaging should attract, qualify, and convert your ideal customers. 

For example, Oatly (A Swedish food company that produces alternatives to dairy products from oats.) shares unconventional sales messages that target people who drink oats — since they’re more likely to buy oat milk.

Oatly sales messaging

Every sales message should move them through the stages of the buyer journey in a streamlined manner. 

That is, from AwarenessConsiderationDecision.

Stand out amidst a sea of similar businesses 

The sameness in almost every industry is alarming. You look around and find several businesses doing almost the same thing as you.

What you want is to differentiate your brand and stand out. 

This is what great sales messaging helps you achieve. 

For example, what informs every aspect of Coca cola’s messaging is the need to create a positive reality by thinking of coke as happiness in the bottle. 

By creating sales messaging that reflects this purpose, it’s been able to dominate the carbonated soft drink market with almost a 45% share

More so, irrespective of the product with the best features, the sales message with the strongest convincing power is more likely to win.

Here’s what that means: 

<blog__custom-tooltip>Even if your product has more features and benefits than a competitor’s product, you still need sales messaging as good as your offer to outcompete them.<blog__custom-tooltip>

You don’t want your product to look like every other, so use unique sales messages.

Raise your perceived value

Sales messaging can increase the perceived value of your product. With the right sales message, you can show that your product is worth much more than you’re charging.

You can stack up the features, benefits, customer stories, and product differences (from competitor products) to increase the perceived value of your offer. 

According to this wine test research, perceived value does a lot to customer desire and satisfaction of a product. When the perceived value of a product increases, people will like and rate it better than others. 

You want target customers to see that your product will better help them meet their needs than competitor products. Right?

Tell them through persuasive sales messaging.

Achieve sales goals

Effective sales messaging drives sales.

Namecheap recorded up to a 49% increase in website sales after revamping its landing page copy.

49% increase in website sales after revamping its landing page copy

You’ll make more sales and hit your revenue goals if you share sales messaging that connects with your ideal audience, increases product perceived value and converts leads to paying customers.

How to create effective sales messaging

A sales message should ultimately lead to sales. So, how do you create one that doesn’t just excite but close deals?

Here are seven steps that make up a conversion-driven sales messaging framework:

A B2B sales messaging framework
A B2B sales messaging framework

1. Scrutinize offer details

The first step to creating sales messaging is to understand your product itself. You want to take a step back and go over every aspect of your product details. 

The better acquainted you are with your offer, the more aligned your sales message will be in communicating its value.

So, start by asking yourself questions like:

  • What is it and what does it do? 
  • Who is it for? 
  • Why is it for them?
  • What is the price point? 

2. Expand your solution from features to benefits 

It’s good to highlight product features, but it’s great to explain what these features will do for your target customers.

So, expand your solution to focus on benefits. As cliché as it might sound, selling benefits over features is one of the most important steps of creating effective sales messaging.

Features are what your offer has. They are superficial and hold no real meaning without their benefits. Benefits, on the other hand, are the ways these features help your ideal customers achieve their goals. They are emotive and help target customers see why your product is for them.

For example:

Product: Google Docs

Feature: Google Docs has cloud storage

Feature ⇒ Benefit: Google Docs has cloud storage to keep your important information safe and accessible whenever you need it.

3. Address target audience’s pain points and goals 

To make your sales messaging irresistible, you need to find out what will make your ideal customers want to buy.

Use target customer surveys to figure out what they want. What they struggle with and are looking for a solution to and the goals they hope to achieve.

Now, be careful not to polish their language in your findings from research, interview, and survey reports.

You want to be able to describe their struggles and challenges using their own language to create strong resonance with your sales message. 

Identify their problems and the pain points. Then, address these in your sales message.

problem and pain points example

4. Paint a scenario of the transformation process

You’ve expanded on the benefits of your product. But, it’ll make things even more convincing when you show your ideal customers what the transformation is really like. Right?

You don’t want to just tell, you want to show. People don’t know whether or not they’re interested in your product, but they’re always interested in their dreams and goals.

So, paint the transformation process using case studies, quick demos, and stories.

An interactive demo page by Unbounce
An interactive demo by Unbounce

The aim of this is to allow your target customers to see what life will be like if they move from their current struggles to their desired solution using your product as a bridge. 

5. Position your product with your UVP 

Almost every market, in one way or another, is saturated. This is why there’s a need for brand positioning. 

Test your unique value proposition (UVP) to find out what your ideal clients think about your offer.

You need to create sales messaging that highlights what makes your product different and better than competitor solutions.

Also, to better position your product, analyze your competitive advantage through preference testing.

  • What does your competitors’ sales messaging look like? 
  • What features and benefits do their products have?
  • How are your ideal customers reacting to their sales messages?
  • What are people saying about their products?
  • Why should they choose you over competitors?

6. Strengthen your claim with street credibility

HubSpot example showcasing credibility
HubSpot example showcasing credibility

What other people say about you is an essential part of your sales messaging. 

Gather social proof — through surveys, forms, personal requests, rating widgets — to backup your offer promise. 

Word-of-mouth recommendation is indispensable as 44% of marketers say it’s responsible for 20-40% of their leads.

Use a variety of social proof such as:

  • Testimonials
  • Client results
  • Product reviews and ratings
  • User count
  • Number of app downloads
  • Business partners and alliances
  • Awards
  • Certifications

7. Validate your sales messaging: 

There’s no point in creating sales messaging that doesn’t convert to sales.

So, to ensure that your sales message resonates with your target audience and converts them to customers, you need to test it.

Testing your message gives insight into what your target customers want, how they think, and their reaction to your current message. It suggests messaging tweaks for increased engagement and sales.

Strategies for creating effective B2B sales messaging

Now that you know how to create effective sales messaging, here are six results-driven strategies to help you nail your message and drive sales.

1. Start with irresistible hooks

Semrush email

You need to give people a reason to stop first, then, listen. 

The idea is to make your hook attention-grabbing and specific to their situation, so they can pay attention. 

To use irresistible hooks, you could:

  • Write a catchy headline 
  • Highlight a crucial pain point
  • Use cliffhangers
  • Ask a question
  • Tell a story

2. Use personalization

Publer mail example

Up to 80% of customers buy from brands that use personalization in their sales and marketing processes. 

You shouldn’t just share generic sales messaging. Tailor it to your audience’s needs and identities. People will buy your product not because of how good you say it is, but because of what is in it for them. 

3. Adopt sales psychology

OptinMonster University sales messaging example
OptinMonster University

High-converting sales messaging leverages how the human mind works when it comes to making a purchase decision. It moves target customers from being interested prospects to paying customers. 

Here are five psychologies to focus on for sales messaging:

  • Use FOMO (fear-of-missing-out) marketing. E.g. sales notification pop-up
  • Share social proof wherever possible
  • Make it about your target customers
  • Drive curiosity with your message
  • Be proactive, not desperate.

4. Create sales messaging with empathy

 Long Tail Pro sales email
Long Tail Pro email

The importance of empathy in B2B marketing cannot be over-emphasized. 

The B2B industry needs more empathy-driven marketing and consumers tend to pay attention to those who humanize their brand and marketing.

Let your sales messaging focus on value, connection, and resonance. Use emotion-infused stories. Relate to your target customers’ pains. Let them know you understand what they are struggling with. Share how your product will help them achieve their desired result.

6. Use activation CTAs

Dreamdata sales messaging

The calls-to-action you use in your sales message also determines how high it will convert. 

Avoid using generic CTAs like start here and get started. Use activation CTAs that prompt users to take specific actions such as:

  • Get a demo
  • Try it free for 7 days
  • Launch a test in 5 minutes.

Test your CTAs to know which is more effective. In a study, 17% more users preferred the “Buy Now” to “Shop Now” CTA on a landing page.

Wrap up: Start creating effective sales messaging

Sales messaging is the message you share to convince target customers to buy your product. So, ensure that it’s connection-focused and sales-driven.

With the steps above, you can go on to create effective sales messaging that gets you desired results.

Create and start using sales messaging as good as your offer promise.

Out now: Watch our free B2B messaging course and learn all the techniques (from basic to advanced) to create messaging that resonates with your target customers.

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